It’s a back-to-back winning streak for Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City as Nemesio Ugaddan Jr. bagged the ArchiNEXT Grand Winner Title in the 2019 Competition.
ArchiNEXT 2019 has been concluded and celebrated recently in the HCG Night at the National Convention of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) held April 12, 2019 at the SMX Convention Center. Gracing his presence in the awarding ceremony is the General Manager of the Philippine National Railways (PNR), Mr. Junn Magno, who gave full support to the program and students’ designs.
One of the four ArchiNEXT Scholars, J.B.Joao Manzanilla of Don Honorio Ventura State University represented the recipients of the Grant by HCG awarded by Arch. Jayson Portem, one of the judges specializing in National Heritage Conservation, and Mr. Sam Chen, HCG Philippines’ President.
This year’s ArchiNEXT Special Awardees and Top Ten Winners are:
Most Popular – Joy Frederick Cabatin of Divine Word College of Calapan
Most Participative School – Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City
Best Presentation – John Carlo Mendoza of National University
10th Place – Bern James Gallego of Cebu Institute of Technology
9th Place – Cellou Lapinid of University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
8th Place – J.B.Joao Manzanilla of Don Honorio Ventura State University
6th Place – Dahniel Mendoza of Bulacan State University
5th Place – Roel Alejandrino of Don Honorio Ventura State University
4th Place – Jonathan Temporada of Don Honorio Ventura State University
3rd Place – Jay Oliver Cadaguit of Tarlac State University
2nd Place – John Carlo Mendoza of National University
After receiving his awards, Ugaddan stated how he was surprised by the win and how he was happy to share his design as he took his winning speech.
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