Ugaddan Bags ArchiNEXT 2019 Title

It’s a back-to-back winning streak for Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City as Nemesio Ugaddan Jr. bagged the ArchiNEXT Grand Winner Title in the 2019 Competition.

ArchiNEXT 2019 has been concluded and celebrated recently in the HCG Night at the National Convention of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) held April 12, 2019 at the SMX Convention Center. Gracing his presence in the awarding ceremony is the General Manager of the Philippine National Railways (PNR), Mr. Junn Magno, who gave full support to the program and students’ designs.

Nemesio Ugaddan Jr. of Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City accepts his Plaque of Recognition and Prize as the ArchiNEXT 2019 Grand Winner. From L to R: Ar. Joseph Michael Espina of CODHASP (Council of Deans and Heads of Architecture Schools in the Philippines), Ar. Gregory Guevara (Adviser), Ar. Lawrence Dolores II (Department Chair, TIP-QC), Nemesio Ugaddan Jr. (Grand Winner), Mr. Patrick Chiu (HCG Philippines Chairman), and Mr. Junn Magno (General Manager, PNR).

One of the four ArchiNEXT Scholars, J.B.Joao Manzanilla of Don Honorio Ventura State University represented the recipients of the Grant by HCG awarded by Arch. Jayson Portem, one of the judges specializing in National Heritage Conservation, and Mr. Sam Chen, HCG Philippines’ President.

Manzanilla receives his Scholarship Grant handed by Arch. Jayson Portem and Mr. Sam Chen.

This year’s ArchiNEXT Special Awardees and Top Ten Winners are:

Most Popular – Joy Frederick Cabatin of Divine Word College of Calapan

Most Participative School – Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City

Best Presentation – John Carlo Mendoza of National University

10th Place – Bern James Gallego of Cebu Institute of Technology

9th Place – Cellou Lapinid of University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

8th Place – J.B.Joao Manzanilla of Don Honorio Ventura State University

6th Place – Dahniel Mendoza of Bulacan State University

5th Place – Roel Alejandrino of Don Honorio Ventura State University

4th Place – Jonathan Temporada of Don Honorio Ventura State University

3rd Place – Jay Oliver Cadaguit of Tarlac State University

2nd Place – John Carlo Mendoza of National University

ArchiNEXT 2019 Winners receive their awards and prizes for this year’s competition. From L to R: Jonathan Temporada, Dahniel Mendoza, J.B.Joao Manzanilla, Arch. Joseph Michael Espina, John Carlo Mendoza, Arch. Gregory Guevara, Arch. Lawrence Dolores, Nemesio Ugaddan Jr., Mr. Patrick Chiu, Mr. Junn Magno, Jay Oliver Cadaguit, Cellou Lapinid, Roel Alejandrino, Bern James Gallego, and Mr. Sam Chen.

After receiving his awards, Ugaddan stated how he was surprised by the win and how he was happy to share his design as he took his winning speech.

Ugaddan delivers his speech after the awarding proper. His entry is entitled “Fusion: An Integrated Terminal Cum Commercial” for the theme “ANYUHAY: An Adaptive Reuse Toward Structural Rebirth”.
Together with UAP Representatives, HCG Philippines Awards Arch. Benjamin Panganiban Jr., UAP President, the Certificate of Recognition for the unwavering support of UAP.
Mr. Patrick Chiu and Mr. Sam Chen awards the Certificate of Recognition to Arch. Joseph Michael Espina of CODHASP for the continued collaboration of the organization throughout the years.

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