(Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are some of the questions we gathered from those interested to join ArchiNEXT 2016. Read through! You might just have the same questions. When in doubt, re-read our full mechanics at
Registration & Deadline:
Can I ask if I can still join and submit my entry without registering last September 1, 2015? Do I still have to register?
You’re not yet late. Deadline of submission of entries is on December 31, 2015. Kindly read thoroughly the mechanics at for the complete details.
I would just like to ask if the date, December 31, 2015, is the deadline of all entries including the Entry form
You need the entry form as part of the requirements in joining the competition. Same goes if you will apply for scholarship, you will also need the documents stipulated in the website.
And yes, December 31, 2015 is the deadline for all entries and we shall be accepting those with complete mechanics.
Area Selection/ Area Requirement:
I would just like to ask if the date, December 31, 2015, is the deadline of all entries including the Entry form
I would just like to ask if the area allotted for the competition is “500 to 700 square meters” or “500 by 700 sq. meters”
Maximum lot area is 700 sq. meters
In the 500 to 700 square meters of land do we need to create just one structure with all the necessary amenities, or we can create multiple structures within the site?
Don’t limit yourself. You only have limitation for the lot size and if you will build a building, up to 2-storey only. But inside it is up to your creativity already.
Regarding the lot, do I really need to look for an actual existing lot? If yes, can me and my classmate make use of the same lot? One last thing, does the lot really need to be in the province where I’m at right now?
In your design statement, yes, it’s better if you can identify the exact location and describe the natural environment of the area. Although it’s better if you really know the area well, it’s not strictly that it should be in your province.
Yes, you can also identify an area and use it at the same time with your classmate for your individual works.
Is it possible to build the project on a different barangay (from my own) but still in the same city? Or my/our barangay for the project?
Yes, you can choose either of them. The most important thing is for you to describe your chosen lot in your design rationale.
Does the lot need to be a public property or privately-owned?
We won’t mind if it’s private or public.
Is it a manual drawing presentation with rendering aids like watercolor, markers or pencils or is it computer – aided presentation (AUTOCAD, Sketch Up, Vray, Lumion etc.)>
It’s your preference if you want to do it manually or if with the aide of computer. However, for manual drawings, requirements are still the same such as submission of the softcopy version. For that, you may scan it in high-resolution.
Do you prefer a certain kind of board for the output?
Any board will do for as long as it has the right size.