Visionaries challenged for BIGKIS:
Community Enrichment Facility on ArchiNEXT 2016
Around 110 young visionaries vied to be the first-ever ArchiNEXT awardee. Their weapon for the spot was an ingenious design idea for a Sustainable Community Comfort Area (SCCA). The aim of the SCCA is to provide better sanitation in the rural areas especially when power and water are scarce. The most promising concept came from Tarlac State University’s Laredo Angelo Paras, Jr. He took home the title of ArchiNEXT 2015’s grand winner.
A new slate has opened; a chance once more for future architects to showcase their limitless creativity and pitch in sound masterpieces for the benefit of the nation. ArchiNEXT: HCG Young Designers’ Competition 2016’s second year design challenge is a concept for BIGKIS: Community Enrichment Facility (BIGKIS). BIGKIS, which will have two (2) major functions, will embody the ‘strong bond’ of the community in good and bad times. First, is the enrichment facility function. In this component, the young contender must be receptive and proactive to the immediate environment so that BIGKIS will be able to address specific needs of the community. In good times, the facility is envisioned to knit the community together towards growth. Furthermore, when disasters arise, BIGKIS must also be easily converted to an evacuation center accommodating people for safe dwelling.
The youth is the fair hope of the nation as Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal puts it. ArchiNEXT believes that they are inherently concerned about what they can contribute for the betterment of the community and have the capability to find solutions for such. Since the Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and Typhoon belt, the design challenge is very timely and relevant. At this point, the country is not yet prepared but ArchiNEXT have high hopes that the answers lie in the hearts and minds of the youth.
The most brilliant entry in ArchiNEXT 2016 will receive Php 100,000 in cash and recognition of a lifetime. Awarding ceremony is slated on next year’s CONEX.
ArchiNEXT 2016’s is now accepting entries from third and fourth year BS Architecture students in CHED-accredited colleges and universities nationwide. Complete mechanics and submission requirements are available in For inquiries, email ArchiNEXT Team at