Archinext2017 Winners’ Interview
ArchiNEXT2017: HCG Young Designers’ Competition, more than just an avenue to allow students to showcase their potential, has opened doors of opportunities to the winners to excel in the field of architecture. Receiving 472 entries in its third year in the competition field, team ArchiNEXT feels grateful because winners, aside from successfully submitting innovative entries, also used their knowledge and potential to create astounding architectural masterpieces that would benefit Filipinos.
“I think I won because of my concept. In my design, I made sure that I was able to resolve all the needs of the community while ensuring that it is eco-friendly and resilient”, – Edward D. Sarco, ArchiNEXT2017 Top 2 winner said in Filipino. “I want to serve as an inspiration to the architecture students, too”, he added.
Meanwhile, Mike John Dale Felix, when asked about how he felt being chosen as the top 3 winner, expressed his utmost gratitude and surprise. “I felt very happy and blessed because I did not except the crowd during the awarding night – the number was overwhelming”, he said.
Talking about the secret as to how he managed to make it to the top, Marchie Teodoro Borja, ArchiNEXT2017 Grand Winner said that it was because of his mentors, numerous consultations with his mentors, and prayers that helped him achieve the number one spot in ArchiNEXT2017.
Borja, too, shared wisdom to young designers like him to be brave in life, and to not be afraid in taking risks especially it if would bear life-long learning. “You should join competitions because that will give you experience. Don’t join for the money, don’t join for the recognition, basically join for the experience because that will get you a long way”, Borja said.