8TH PLACE: TAHAN-NAN The idea of TAHAN-NAN is to produce a structure that is adaptable enough to climate change and paradigm shifts. The resiliency of the elderly Filipinos served as our inspiration for a future-proof Eco-Retirement and Recreation Village Resort that will stand for generations by employing a greener strategy and utilizing natural resources to Read more about 8TH PLACE: TAHAN-NAN[…]


9TH PLACE: PALAMBO The PALAMBO Retirement and Recreation Resort project takes a different approach in the Retirement Lifestyle by visioning the resort as an extension of life and a way to meet self-actualization within a community. PALAMBO is a Cebuano term which means “to flourish”. This concept aims to further the continuous holistic development of Read more about 9TH PLACE: PALAMBO[…]


10TH PLACE: TAYOG Aldrich Remot from Mapua University aced it to the TOP 10 spot in the ArchiNEXT Competition 2023: RETAYIR: Future-proofing for Elders, with his entry, TAYOG CENTER: A Recreational & Residential Retirement Center. TAYOG CENTER is a retirement center that aims to give elderly Filipinos an identity towards leaning to holistic environment that Read more about 10TH PLACE: TAYOG[…]